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7 Tips for Finding Your Second Home

 Going through the process of joining a Greek organization can be one that involves a lot of soul searching. Keep these 7 tips in mind when deciding which organization to join! 

1.     Be yourself

When you join an organization, you’re joining for yourself, and they want you for you. It may be tempting to just go along with a conversation you’re not interested in, but at the end of the day the members need to learn the honest you. Make sure to engage in conversation that peaks your interests, and shows the members who you really are.  

2.    Keep an open mind

This is the number one thing you will hear current Greeks tell you. It is important to keep an open mind because you may find yourself loving an organization you originally thought differently of. When I went through recruitment I went into every organization with fresh eyes and making sure to see who they are and what they are about. You cannot let prior opinions you may have heard deter you from finding the right fraternity or sorority for you!

3.     Don’t join for your friends

This one can be hard, but it is important to make sure you don’t join an organization just because your friends do. You and your friends are different people, and this can mean you may join different organizations.  Make sure you make your decisions based off of your own experiences, and not just because your best friend loved the Greek member they met last week.

4.     Go to all of the events

This goes with keeping an open mind, but make sure you go to as many Fraternity & Sorority life events as possible! By experiencing all there is to offer, you will continue to learn more about the organizations on your campus, you may even learn about organizations you didn’t know your school had! Chapters will put on their own individual events, but there will also functions put on by the Greek office featuring all of the organizations, so make sure you check out these too!

5.     Go with your gut

You may find yourself liking many of the groups you find or maybe really stuck between two like I was, but in the end you should be able to know which group is truly the one you’re most comfortable with. Listen to the voice inside your head, it will never steer you wrong!

6.     Find your family

A piece of advice I was given when I was going through recruitment is, join the group that you feel you can jump on the couch and laugh with. Although it may sound odd, you have to make sure you are surrounded by the people who you will want to call your brothers or sisters. These will become your people, and you want to make sure they are the ones that will always be there for you.

7.     Do it for life

It can be easy to think that joining Greek life is just an in college commitment, but it is truly more than that. Going Greek offers many opportunities that will take you further than just your campus. Make sure you join the organization that you will be just as proud of when you’re 50, as when you were when in college!  Once you become an alumnae of your organization, things are different, but that doesn't mean the connection to your organization ends!


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